お得なお化粧品特典 2024年度/Royalty Program For Skincare Products

English follows after Japanese.


当店にてスキンケア製品 1,100円ご購入毎に1ポイント付与。20ポイント(合計22,000円ご購入)で2000円の施術割引チケットをプレゼントしております。当店の還元率は【9%】❣️


LINE ショップカードでポイント付与✨ ラインのご登録をお願いしております☺️


トリートメントとご自宅での正しいスキンケア方法を併用して頂きお客様の求めるお肌質へ 迅速に導いてまいります。

【安定した心身の維持とQOL(生活の質)の目的で ご来店を頂いているお客様】



1. 特典チケットショップカードページの赤字「獲得したチケットを見る」をクリック。
2. 利用可能な特典チケットが表示されます。




Royalty Program For Skincare Products in 2024

We continue exclusive promotion 'Royalty program for skincare products'  in 2024 as well as 2023!

Every 20 points, you can receive2,000yen discount voucher for spa treatments💆‍♀️

You can receive discount tickets for KI Day Spa treatments so that you can save monthly treatments’ costs.

You can earn rewards on line shop card ✨ Please register the reward card for line chat app.☺️

【Guests who visit the spa to improve your skin quality.】
It is an essential to improve your skin quality to receive intensive facial treatments and reflect your skincare at home at the begging of the program. KI Day Spa will lead you to improve your skin quality with suitable skincare at home and encourage the result with professional facial treatments. This royalty program is to save treatments’ costs.

【Guests who visit the spa for your wellbeing improving your quality of life.】
You can save annual costs for beauty items and treatments by concentrating in one place, KI Day Spa.

◎Treat your self by using the royalty program.
◎Maintain your skin and body with our spa treatments.

How to see your reward cards?
Go to KI Day Spa on line application and click ‘Reward card’. It is at the bottom right of our line chat menu.

How to check your usable vouchers?
1. Click the red button ‘See your vouchers’.
2. You can check ‘Usable Vouchers’.
※Please kindly check the expiry date for your vouchers.

※Please let us know at the time of payment if you would like to use the voucher.
※You can receive rewards when you purchase skincare items at stores/membership boutique.
※Please present your reward card at the time of payment. We are sorry that we cannot give rewards after you left the spa.

KI Day Spa is delighted to support your wellbeing and maintaining your beauty.

We look forward to seeing you soon🌿

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