Royal Ritual

ゆったりとKI DAY SPAにてお過ごし頂くハーフデイ デイプログラム。最近ゆっくりとした時間を取れていない方、自身をみつめ自愛する時間を取ってみると、気持ちに余裕ができ、新しい発見が見つかるかもしれません。多忙を極めている方、一人の時間が欲しい方にぴったりの都会の中で行えるリカバリートリートメント。厳選された製品や手技を余すこと無くご堪能いただけ至福のアロマの香りに包まれるフェイシャル&ボディトリートメント。KI DAY SPAがセレクションした特別なお飲み物とお茶菓子で究極の至福の時間をお楽しみいただけます。自身へのご褒美・気分転換・ギフトとしてのご利用でも喜ばれます。

A half-day program where you can relax at KI Day Spa. If you have not been able to take time to relax lately, take time to look at yourself and love yourself. A recovery treatment in the city for those who are extremely busy and want some alone time. A facial and body treatment that envelops you in the blissful aroma of carefully selected products and techniques. Enjoy the ultimate blissful time with special drinks and sweets selected by ki day spa. You can use it as a special treat for yourself, a change of mood, or as a gift.

KI Signature・Premium KI Signature

KI DAY SPA一番人気のトリートメント。お客様のご希望をお伺いし、時間枠内でお客様のご希望のメニューをお施術いたします。フェイシャルやボディ、KI DAY SPAでお取り扱いのある全てのお化粧品からお客様の現在の状態に合わせたベストな施術内容をご相談の上、ご提案いたします。短時間で効果をご実感されたい方にオススメです。


KI Day Spa’s most popular treatment. We will ask your requests and customise your desired menu within the time frame. We will consult with you about the best treatment content for your current condition from facials, body care, and all the cosmetics handled by KI Day Spa, and then make a proposal. Recommended for those who want to feel the effect in a short time. Premium KI Signature incorporates Japanese essences and ingredients carefully selected in Japan that are not typically included in KI Signature treatments. You can enjoy unlimited use of classic stone therapy as well as all our equipment and products during your session.

Premium Japanese Aromatic Body

国産の厳選されたエッセンスを楽しみながら米糠のオイルを贅沢に使用するボディトリートメント。 お身体全体を置き石ストーンで温めながら日本の洗練された香りと美容効果のある高品質のオイルでハンドマッサージを行います。

A luxurious body treatment that generously uses rice bran oil while allowing you to enjoy carefully selected Japanese essences. While warming the entire body with hot stones, a hand massage is performed using pure rice bran oil infused with sophisticated Japanese fragrances and beauty-enhancing benefits.

Bridal Intensive Program




Introducing Our Bridal Intensive Program.
Embrace life’s most significant moments as the most radiant version of yourself. Our aim is to sculpt a skin and body that epitomizes your beauty.

With a focus on enhancing the face, back, and décolletage, our bridal program spans from a six-month to one-month intensive session, tailored to harmonize with your dress and personal style.
While perfect for weddings, this program extends its benefits to those seeking to elevate their allure for competitions and special occasions.

Our personalized counseling sessions will uncover the unique aspects of your charm, ensuring you shine brightly. 
Don’t hesitate to reach out, even if you’re still refining your vision.

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